My Heart

Hi, I am Madison Compton, a 24-year-old photographer based in Oklahoma. My passion is for my portraits.

I started photography 7 years ago and I have loved it ever since. It's hard sometimes to remember the beautiful moments in life and I think photos are a great reminder.

I graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a degree in art, technology, and culture. During my freshman year of college, I met someone who is now a good friend to me. One day she called my photography a gift from God. It struck me because I have never thought of it in that way. The way I saw it, it was just something  I did for fun. I wasn’t talented, I was just doing it. When she called it a gift I knew she was right. And I realized somehow, somewhere along the way it became a talent of mine. I think my desire to take photos stems from our desire to be more like him. To create something wonderful just like He did in Genesis.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Genesis 1:27

I am forever grateful that I am able to serve God and love others through my career. Plus I’m a little obsessed with my photographs, I don't think I could live without them. I love celebrating you and capturing those special moments in your life.

Current Obsessions:

Briley+Marcus King


Love Island

Chrome Nails

Candle Light


Fruit for Breakfast

Italian + French Influence

This or That

Plan or Wing it

Roses or Tulips

East or West

Spotify or Apple Music

Hotel or Airbnb

Gift or Experience

Night in or Night out

Canon or Nikon

Texts or Calls